1. Data controller 

The legal entity responsible for processing your personal data is the company in Ørsted mentioned in the agreement governing the delivery by the company you represent to Ørsted or which is part of the collaborative relationship with the company or authority (hereinafter “Company”) you represent. You can find an overview of our companies in our annual report.

2. Personal data about other parties that you provide 

If you provide personal data about other people (e.g. contact information for colleagues in the company in which you are employed), you must ensure that they agree to it, and that you have permission to provide us with such personal data. This means that you must refer them to this privacy policy when you provide us with their personal data.

3. Transfer of personal data to third countries

In certain situations, Ørsted will transfer personal data to countries outside EU/EEA.

Such transfers to third countries will be made on the following legal basis

  • The countries have been deemed by the Commission of the European Union to have an adequate level of protection of personal data (so called safe third countries).
  • If the countries have not been deemed by the Commission of the European Union to have an adequate level of protection of personal data: Ørsted will provide appropriate safeguards for the transfer through standard contractual clauses, as published by the Commission of the European Union, for the transfer of personal data to third countries.
    You can obtain a copy of this contract by contacting us on info@orsted.com

4. Storage of your personal data 

We will store your personal data as long as it is necessary for the purpose described in section 2 above and/or as required under applicable law, and we will then delete or anonymise your personal data appropriately.

The criteria we will use to determine the storage period of your personal data will therefore depend on the purpose for which the personal data have been collected as well as the rules on storage which is required by specific national legislation.

5. Your rights 

When we process your data, you have the following rights:

  • You have the right of access to, rectification, or erasure of your personal data.
  • You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and to have the processing of your personal data restricted.
  • In particular, you have an unconditional right to object to the processing of your personal data for use for direct marketing purposes.
  • If the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Your withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing performed before withdrawal of your consent. 
  • You have the right to receive the personal data that you have provided yourself in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (data portability).
  • You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (in Denmark the Danish Data Protection Agency).

You can exercise your rights by contacting us; see clause 8. These rights may be conditional or restricted. For example, you may not have the right to data portability in a particular case. It depends on the specific circumstances of the processing activities.

6. Amendments to our privacy policy

This privacy policy replaces all previous versions. It will be necessary to update and amend this privacy policy on an ongoing basis, and we thus reserve the right to do so. In the event of an important amendment, we will notify you at orsted.com or send an email if we deem this is necessary.